Felicitaties Engels

Iemand feliciteren kan een zeer stresserende bedoening zijn. Je weet niet goed wat je moet zeggen, je weeg t tientallen alternatieven af en uiteindelijk? Verval je toch in een cliché-zin die je nu eens echt niet wou gebruiken. Waarom dan ook niet eens jouw felicitaties overbrengen in een andere taal: het Engels leent zich bij uitstek tot het feliciteren voor tal van gelegenheden. Dringend enkele voorbeelden nodig ter inspiratie? Zoek dan niet verder.

Maak hieronder je keuze en bekijk de teksten & kaartjes:


* Door hierboven of hieronder te klikken word je doorverwezen naar Greetz

Felicitaties Engels

  • If Oscars were given out for a job well done, I’d nominate you! Congratulations for your fantastic achievement
  • It is a pleasure simply being around you. You inspire, are friendly and an overall classy example of how to behave.
  • Congratulations! You have made us all proud. Keep it up!
  • Well done! You are destined to make it big, even if you didn’t know it. I hope you’ll have the opportunity to spread your wings.
  • Congratulations! Have a great time and make enough memories to last for a lifetime.
  • I hope you’ll celebrate with a smile!
  • May every glowing candle turn into a wish that will come true. Congratulations!
Felicitaties Engels
(Bron: Greetz)

Meer felicitatie teksten in het Engels

  • I cherish our time together. Having someone like you in my life is the best present I could wish for. Have a wonderful day!
  • I wish that today will be full of perfection, with you enjoying all of the attention.
  • May you live all the days of your life in joy, may you be grateful for each and every day.
  • Congratulations to a dear friend and a great person. I’m so happy to be acquainted to you.
  • You’re one in a million. Congratulations on today!
  • Whatever with the past has gone, the best is always yet to come. Congratulations I’m sending your way and I wish you a happy day.
  • Only your generous heart could warm my life with so much love. Congratulations to the most special person in my life!
  • Having a friend like you is like finding a 4 leaf clover: a lucky charm. Congratulations in everything, you deserve it.
  • Congrats! I hope today will be crazy and full of surprises. May you have fun all night long!

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